Minnesota FoodShare

Minnesota FoodShare is a brand of GMCC.
For 44 years, Minnesota FoodShare has worked to address food insecurity and poverty by engaging communities throughout the state via education and state and federal advocacy efforts. Minnesota FoodShare also provides resources to food shelves and food distribution programs across the state through the annual March Campaign.
March Campaign
The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings together organizations, businesses, faith communities, and individuals to help keep 300 food shelves statewide stocked throughout the year. Minnesota FoodShare has distributed over $18 million to March Campaign participating food shelves via the Minnesota FoodShare FoodFund. 100% of donations received by Minnesota Foodshare during the March Campaign go into the FoodFund.
The 2025 March Campaign is happening from March 1 – April 6!

Advocacy & Education
Minnesota FoodShare joins members of the anti-hunger community to exchange ideas and collaborate to address the challenges of food insecurity. We also offer educational opportunities and anti-hunger resources via the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign and community collaborations.
Throughout the year, we are strong advocates at local, state, and national levels. Minnesota FoodShare seeks to educates the community about food insecurity and encourages legislators and community decision makers to lend a compassionate and objective voice to public policy debates that impact Minnesota families living in poverty.